DSP/DST Series Automatic UV (Spot) Producing-line is not only used in the UV (spot) varnish, but also used in various UV color ink printing. If equipped with high pressure Hg-limp, the complete line will be suit for the special effects UV varnish ink printing, such as abrasive, wrinkle, snow, crystal, reflection, bubble etc. Full and fresh ink effects, strong 3D feeling, and shade, enough thickness of the ink, all the excellence are decided the complete line is much popular in the recent market.
screen printing machine
1.Cylinder.press DSP720/DSP780DST720 / 800 + UV Dryer DGG900 + Sheet Stacker DYS1020;
2.Cylinder press DSP1020DST1020 / 1050 + UV Dryer DGG1020 + Sheet Stacker DYS1020;