
Market outlook

China washing machine manufacturers, without exception, the teachers are multinational corporations, such as when the Ariston, liebherr, technology and production lines accompanied by a foreign master's settled came to China. However, foreign chefs are competing in the first round of the washing machine market lost a big half, why not?
The first is the lack of technical inputs for the Chinese market. Foreign brands is not lack of technology, lack of understanding of China's market. The vast majority of foreign brands in the domestic production base, but not the R & D centers in China, will naturally not take the initiative to launch special individual needs for Chinese products. Chinese consumers buy washing machines, the first consideration is price (accounting for 30%), followed by well-known (23%) and quality (20%).
The second reason is that management is not localized. This can be a joint venture from Whirlpool Narcissus, the failure of snow and Maytag defeat Rongshida can see some clues, China is still a developing country, desire for advanced concepts, but there is also a digestive process. Since the beginning of 2003, foreign brands Zaidufali, they chose a good time to attack domestic brands --- dragged down by years of price wars, the blind pursuit of quantity expansion, and because production costs faced by market concentration and fall occasion. Foreign brands means of attack has become very Chinese, the price show skillful play.
But the price is cut into the means, if long-term to maintain or expand market share have to have other methods. Foreign brands are now widely used means of shortening product life cycles, improve product value and new single-profits. They changed the product launch in the global market order to further shorten the Chinese market for European and American markets the time difference. , The multinational corporations and timely implementation of the "globalization + localization" of the research and development, not only the product more responsive to needs of local people, but also to foreign brands continue to maintain leading edge technology. Panasonic R & D center moved to Hangzhou, the product phase-out rate from the last 50% to 90% in 2004, and achieve global availability.

