
About Rotary Tube & Pipe Cutting

Pipes have special machines for cutting different lengths. Practiced for 25 years, the rotary tube and pipe cutting industry has not changed much over the years, but newer technologies have improved the quality of cutting and efficiency of the working machinery.

A rotary tube and China aluminum cutting machine utilizes three parts, including the work-feeding unit that controls the number of tubes entering the cutting machine, the length-stopper unit that controls how long each tube will be based on what is programmed into the machine, and the machine proper that does the final cutting.
Tubes are fed into the machine with the work-feeding unit. Afterward, they are positioned and clamped by the length-stopper unit. Then, to avoid distortion of the pipe or tube, two or three separate disks spin about the tube cutting inward until it finishes cutting through the material in the Blow Molding Machine proper.
In general, rotary tube and pipe cutting machines are meant for a large volume of manufacturing since changing sizes of piping requires a reset of the machine, costing time and money.

